Thursday, December 31, 2009

Songs for this Sunday, Jan 3

Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (enjoy Steve Raney, Pat Ward & Marilyn Switzer!)
We Shall Assemble
Stand and Shout
Shout to the Lord
There's A Stirring
Be Thou My Vision (starting our 2010 Vision series this Sunday)
Our God He Is Alive
It Is Well With My Soul
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Why so many hymns?

Wow, we sang a lot of really old hymns today at Otter Creek. I just never can resist some of these classics on the Sunday before Thanksgiving:

Now Thank We All Our God
We Gather Together
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Count Your Blessings

We also sang "Be Thou My Vision" as it fit perfectly with Josh's message.

Why so many?

Well, I'm developing an entire litany of reasons but try this one on: Many of the people I love, respect & admire...many of the people whose marriages I want mine to mirror, many of the Christians whose example I want Faith & Eli to see...these people are all steeped in the classic hymns! And in our tradition, many of those hymns can be found in "Great Songs of the Church", the hymnal Otter Creek used for many years when Buddy Arnold was the lead worshipper.

All of the hymns mentioned above are in that hymnal.

Do I want to go back & relive the glory days? Do I want to take us back 4 decades and stay there? No no no. But I long for us to find ourselves in the greater story (the meta-narrative is the new buzzword for this, right Josh?) of the Otter Creek family and of the body of Christ universal.

I love the new songs, and we'll continue to keep learning them and singing them. But I will not leave these classic, faith-shaping legends behind.

Tomorrow I'll tell you more about "Nun Danket" (the german name for the tune & hymn, "Now Thank We All Our God"). It has it's roots in the bloody Thirty Years War in Germany that raged from 1618 to 1648.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Recapping Oct 1 to 4th 2009

What a weekend!

Last Thursday, Zoe Conference after work, then Sanctuary praise event after that!

Last Friday, Zoe Conference all day, then sabbath service at the Jewish Temple...very cool and uber meaningful.

Last Saturday, Zoe Conference in the morning, then after lunch we did a balloon release for one of Jaime's friends' baby that died in utero at 34 weeks, back to Zoe Conference that afternoon, then the Shriners' Circus downtown to cap off the day.

(Faith asked us later, while we were viewing pictures of the release, if Chase (the baby boy who died) is still with precious. We answered assuredly while fighting back tears. We had written notes to Chase and tied them to the balloons. Jaime has some good pics on her FB page.)

Sunday was a great time of worship with the Otter Creek family. I am especially grateful that I have no emails regarding our "choir" that was on stage. I sincerely appreciate the openness of OC.

Then Sunday evening was a benefit concert at OC by Jah-Way (Reco's band) to benefit a victim of domestic violence. The entire event was in the stream of our Carolyn Maddux Peace & Justice Ministry...people coming together to help a sister get back on her feet when she found herself with nothing after leaving an abusive relationship. A great time to jam with brothers and sisters in "undignified" praise. My fav was the opener, "You Are Good".

Today I just tried to recover from all of this! I did manage to vacuum most of the house, mow half the yard (after Jaime got home I didn't have much time), and get groceries, and take recycling to the drop off. And hang with the kids all day. Ok, there wasn't much rest, but I'm hoping for lots of it tonight.

Peace everyone!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thanks Paulette!

Paulette, you encouraged me (through our buddy Steve) to get back on the blog train, at least for tonight. :)

Quick updates....

Kids & I enjoyed a fun but quick trip to Memphis last weekend (down on Fri night, back on Sat night). Jaime stayed here to work at her new school, Currey Ingram. She's such a dedicated SLP!

Saturday morning, "Granlyn" (my Dad's wife) treated us to yummy Texola pancakes (my grandmother's recipe, who was born in Texola, OK), then a trip to the Memphis Zoo. I'm a big fan of the Nashville Zoo, but the Memphis Zoo makes our zoo look like a backyard full of a few chickens and an old farm dog. The Memphis Zoo rocks! I tell you, my hometown has several things going for it, and I will always defend Memphis to all middle and east TN snobs. Ok, I will say that the elephant and giraffe habitats are MUCH better here in Nashville, the zoo designers simply allowed more space for these beautiful gracious animals. But in Memphis, zoo goers can see both of these up close, and there are more of them to see. Ok, enough about the zoo, but please go if you get the chance. I wish we could have stayed all day. We were there like 5 hours. (Plus we had a DELICIOUS lunch at Backyard Burger inside the zoo!)

My sweet Mom is doing much better & going HOME tomorrow, to her very own home in Frisco, TX. She is so excited; please say a prayer that her transition will go well and she'll feel no more vertigo and have vision trouble. The rehab facility gave her the green light, but it's still scary to fly on your own again. I am so proud of her, and thankful for her fighting spirit. I've learned what stroke really means to a person, and how it robs you of dignity and normal functionality...I always knew those things happened, but when it happens to someone you love, it all becomes crystal clear.

Got some great new shoes for little Eli yesterday at Lonnie Young's in Green Hills. Can we afford to shop there? Heck no. But for Eli's wide foot we needed some expert help. The Shoe Carnival guy was just not getting it that his foot was a W and not an M. The guy (Ron Johnson) at Lonnie Young's was SO GREAT to Eli and Faith both, and spoke to them like they were real people. Imagine that. We won't always spend $43 on shoes that he'll wear for 4 months maybe, but at least now we know more about his foot size/shape. Thanks Lonnie Young's! (and thanks to my high school friend Cristi T. for the referral.)

Ok, one more thing...we sang "Glorify Thy Name" last Sunday at Otter was one of the first p & w songs that I ever heard/learned. I'll always love it, but people, it fell FLAT. It was like a giant sucking sound taking all of the energy and pizazz out of the sanctuary. I think we as a worshipping congregation are just done with that one, and that's fine. Plus, it didn't really flow out of Josh's really great message very well. I was going for the whole "let's glorify God like Mary strove to do through her Magnificat" angle. Nice try, but let's put this song on the shelf for a while. It may have it's day again, but not soon.

That's all for now...

We are just trying to keep up with our schedules now, it seems. I have the kids all day on Mondays, so Jaime can work. Then the kids are at OC preschool (one word: awesome) on Tuesdays/Thursdays. We are blessed more than we could have ever asked or imagined.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jerry Rushford at Otter Creek this Sunday

Looking Ahead to Sunday, June 28th

Church, we are in for a God-sized blessing this Sunday morning. Jerry Rushford, Director of Church Relations and Professor of Religion at Pepperdine University, is our guest speaker both in our adult worship gathering but also for the auditorium Bible class at 8:45 am. (Other adult classes are meeting as scheduled in other parts of the building as well.)

Photo of Rushford, JerryPhoto of Rushford, Jerry

Jerry is a long-time family friend and I’m confident we will experience God and God’s Word in a memorable way as Jerry speaks to us. If not, maybe he can teach us something about surfing. ;)

Regarding our summer adult Bible classes, are there not some great opportunities out there? We’ve had incredible response, and I hope you will take advantage of these special summer offerings at 8:45 am each Sunday.

This Sunday, Jerry will be speaking in the “Nooma Class” which meets in the auditorium. Both of the regular Nooma teachers (“nooma” refers to a video series by Rob Bell which is serving as the class’ curriculum, see for more info) will be out of pocket this week at Otter Creek Camp!

Jerry’s topic for this June 28th 8:45 am class in the auditorium is:

"I Heard the Song and Strove to Join"

(Rediscovering the Power of Forgotten Hymns)

You probably know by now that I’m passionate about retaining the classic hymns in our repertoire, not only for their beauty and ability to teach/shape us, but also for the stories behind the hymns which Jerry always shares so profoundly.

If you decide to attend another Bible class this week, you will be able to download the audio recording from Jerry’s class at at some point next week.

See you soon/Sunday!

Murray Sanderson

Monday, June 8, 2009

Yesterday at Otter Creek

Hey church,
Sorry about the extended Meet & Greet yesterday!  It dragged (drug?) on for 5 minutes...partly because of my poor management of it, but partly because of a last minute OC member need...

And if you want to hear more of Dennis Jernigan's life testimony (God's work in his life to help him defeat homosexual lifestyle), go to 

If I haven't said it lately, I love this church, and am so thankful to be here!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Very helpful quote

We talk a lot about worship being 24/7...I found this quote very helpful.

“The best public worship is that which produces the best private Christianity.”  Bishop  J.C. Ryle

Sunday, May 3, 2009


This morning the Otter Creek Elders gave the answer to the long-awaited question, "Who will be our next lead minister?" 

Answer:  TWO PEOPLE!  It's a team approach.  I'm so pumped. 

Lead Preaching & Teaching Minister will be Josh Graves (starts September 1, 2009)

Preaching & Pastoral Care Minister will be David Rubio (transitioning out of our Youth Ministry over the next 15 months to begin full-time work as part of the preaching team in Fall 2010.)

God is so good!  I'm so excited and humbled to get to work with these two godly men.  I've known David since he was 7 yrs old, and God has had his hand on David for significant ministry all of his life.  I met Josh almost 5 years ago and have been impressed with him over the years.  

A team model, I'm so proud of our elders for breaking the mold and launching out in a new direction!  New times call for a new model.  

Go to for an incredible video created by David Woodard that recaps the new plan...

Friday, May 1, 2009

This Coming Sunday

So excited about our new Dialogue Series...John York continues it this Sunday with a message from John 3 about Nicodemus.   The recording software crashed last Sunday morning, so we missed Rubio's sermon series kickoff, plus Charity's debut!   I'll never forget it though.  The little 4 year old taught our whole church a new worship song "We love you, Lord"...incredible. 

Songs we're singing this Sunday:
  • Let God Arise (another great Tomlin's on Zoe's Fearless CD)
  • I Love to Tell the Story (don't mess with me, it's Fanny J...)
  • Ancient Words
  • Blessed Be Your Name (thank you, Matt Redman, for giving us language & notes to express pain and trust and praise simultaneously)
  • How Deep the Father's Love
  • I Will Change Your Name  (on this note, check out Jonathan Nelson's new song, My Name is Victory)
  • Before the Throne of God
Happy Friday everyone! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Worship in the Round

On Easter Sunday at Otter Creek, we had the praise team on stage, as well as 15 other singers to fill out a new song we introduced.  It was sort of like...and I do mean sort of...but it was almost "seating in the round" and I really really liked it.

Otter Creekers, what are your thoughts/suggestions?  

We could actually fit about 75 people up there comfortably...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Stories of Faith & Eli

On a recent road trip to IN Faith was displaying frequent defiant and disrespectful talk and I had had enough. I firmly told her that she was not to talk to me that way and that if she did it again I would pull the van over. She replied, "O--KAAAAY (in a very sarcastic tone), she waited a second and said, "NOW PULL THE VAN OVER!!"

Clearly, I need to work on clarifying what happens if I have to pull the van over.

I wanted to reply back, but I looked at Jaime and we both busted out laughing! We were in shock!!!

And Eli has actually started praying now...I can't believe it...I saw it first last night at the dinner table. He bowed his little head and folded his hands and was moving his lips...then abruptly said "men!" raising one hand in triumph. It was the most adorable thing ever.

Then at bedtime, he wanted to pray again... It went like this....."God. (little pause) Men. (Amen)". I think that simple prayer brought a big smile to God's face. It sure did ours!!! Isn't that all we need to do most of the time? "God, I'm here, that's it, Amen."

I'll post about my date with Faith to the cupcake cafe later this week...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Gratitude List

1. the advent of spring.
2. spring.
3. warmer weather (get the picture)
4. my lovely wife who puts up with me being uber-defensive on most days
5. my precious kids who are determined to keep me young
6. we SOLD OUR HOUSE IN INDIANA! Thank you, God!
7. Got to meet Amy Grant (again, but I don't think she remembered me from the last time...why?)
8. Tokens totally rocked. Thanks Lee!
9. being a part of a funeral today, it's a great perspective-putter
10. Starbucks iced tea (black & green, mixed, sweetened)
11. being at Otter Creek, all the thoughtful people and sweet notes of encouragement
12. Tatiana did not make the final 13 for this season
13. Being able to be an intermittent blogger

Friday, February 20, 2009

It's Friday, but Sunday's Comin'!

Hey Church!

Hope you are having a great start to your weekend.

Keep the 7th & 8th graders (and sponsors) in your prayers as they are leaving momentarily for Gatlinburg to enjoy Winterfest this weekend.

The Ministry Moment for this Sunday morning, February 22nd, is REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY. This is a time for us to remember and celebrate the lives of our Otter Creek family members who have gone on to be with the Lord in the recent years. Our dear brother Bob Enkema will preside over this brief time of remembrance during our service Sunday morning.

Our guest speaker this Sunday is Charles Coulston, long-time missionary and director of Made in the Streets, for more info Though Charles will be glad to talk with you about this ministry, he will focus mainly on God’s missional call on our lives in our own setting.

To emphasize the themes of lifting up the poor, and God’s care and concern for all nations, I’ve selected two new songs.

In addition to some familiar hymns, we’ll be singing “God of this City”, an incredible new worship anthem by Chris Tomlin and friends. The Zoe Group gave us a great arrangement of this song on their 2008 release, Fearless. We’ll also be singing “Let Us Be You”, written by two Otter Creekers: Michael Lusk and Clarissa Cox. This song appears on the Zoe Group’s CD, “In Christ Alone”.

Anticipating a powerful move of God this Sunday,

Friday, February 6, 2009

The gospel at a football game

Thanks to my friend Pat B., I found out about this video...INCREDIBLE!

Words can’t do this story justice – watch and enjoy –

Monday, February 2, 2009

Our little bowlers

I kid you not, (get it, kid...heh heh), Faith's FIRST EVER time to go bowling in her life...on her first roll (using the coolest ramp that wasn't around when I was little) she bowled a STRIKE! Her final score was 107, excellent for a 3 yr old.
Eli did very well also; however, he prefers more activity than bowling with 4 people can currently offer. Like, running up & down the lanes, which gave Daddy quite a "don't bash my son in the head with your 14 lb ball" fright.
We had a great time, and I think we'll make it an annual January tradition. Without my birthday, and the start of a new year, and MLK's bday, and my nephew's b'day, an occasional inauguration, and the OC Chili Cookoff...January can be quite boring!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Hymns I want Faith & Eli to know...

In addition to the countless fresh contemporary songs of praise that are sure to lodge themselves into the hearts of my children,

Here's a start to my list of proven hymns I want my children to know, and thus be shaped into the image of Jesus Christ by...

1. Amazing Grace
2. How Great Thou Art
3. Be With Me, Lord
4. All Creatures of our God and King
5. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
6. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
7. Be Still, My Soul
8. O Sacred Head
9. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
10. Softly & Tenderly
11. Great is Thy Faithfulness
12. I Come to the Garden Alone
13. How Great Thou Art
14. Nearer, Still Nearer
15. My Jesus, I Love Thee
16. Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

What ones would you add?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Remembering W's Inauguration and the Inaugural Ball we went to...

Thanks to my sweet mother, Jaime & I had tickets to W's 2nd Inauguration and to an Inaugural Ball that evening. A friend upgraded our seats at the Inauguration, so we got to sit on literally the 14th row from where he was being sworn in. This pic of W is his short speech before he brought Laura out to dance for only about 90 seconds total. Word was that he really didn't enjoy the dancing...
We stayed with Travis & Kelly Speck that night in NW D.C. It was so fun!
Oh, to be in D.C. tomorrow...very exciting.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Stream Franklin 2009

Join me for a great weekend of praise with Ken Young & Hallal...
RICK ATCHLEY is the guest speaker. for more info...

it's next weekend, Friday & Saturday, Jan 23 & 24th...
and it's going to be awesome!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Song for last Sunday!

Hey Otter Creek family,
Wasn't that a great sermon last Sunday from John York? In hindsight, this beautiful song by Michael Card would have been perfect for it! To me, the song sheds light and hope on our wilderness wanderings. Hope it's encouraging for you.
(And I've emailed John to see if it would dovetail into his message for this week.)

In the wilderness
in the wilderness
He calls His sons and daughters to the wilderness
But He gives grace sufficient to survive any test
And that's the painful purpose of the wilderness

Verse 1
In the wilderness we wander
In the wilderness we weep
In the wasteland of our wanting
Where the darkness seems so deep
We search for the beginning
For an exodus to home
And find that those who follow Him must often walk alone

Verse 2
In the wilderness we're wondering
For a way to understand
In the wilderness there's not a way
For the Way's become a man
And the man's become an exodus
The way to holy ground
But wandering in the wilderness
Is the best way to be found

Groaning and growing
Amidst the desert days
The windy winter wilderness
Can blow the self away

And that's the painful promise of the wilderness

Monday, January 5, 2009

Moving Forward

I have been at Otter Creek for almost 3 months now. This church already feels like home to us, and I am grateful to God for His abundant provision...truly more than Jaime or I could have ever asked or imagined.

Here's one observation I've had since arriving here mid October....

There have been three instances in the corporate worship assembly where a member has come forward during the song after the sermon to ask the church for prayers.

I just want to say PRAISE GOD for the way this church responds in those instances. Jaime & I were talking about this...and this is the way it ought to be... At Otter Creek, when someone comes forward, you don't really know exactly who is coming forward because of the MOB of people around the responder, hugging and holding and supporting them. It's so incredible! I love the way our church family does that.

And better yet...people STAY with the person who responds. It's not just a hug and a "well wish". They sit with them the remainder of the service and usually it means they get to share communion together.

THEN, after church, just prepare to stand in line for a while if you want to hug the responder, because they again will be mobbed by this church family.

I've been in churches where eventually people will come down after someone responds, which is great, much better than it was years ago in most churches of Christ.

But at Otter Creek, it's like's like a movement of the Holy Spirit of God activating the forces of love and encouragement...saying..."They stepped out, they're making a move, GET TO THEM AND SURROUND my hands and feet..." It just occurred to me that it's the whole Prodigal Son idea. And while he was still a long way off, his father RAN TO HIM and HUGGED HIM etc. (Thank you Fred E. for bringing that up yesterday in your prayer.)

Awesome. Healing and growth and encouragement flows freely here.

Friday, January 2, 2009


In recent years, I haven't been too big on new year's resolutions. I remember making some growing up, and not really looking at them much past January 15th or so.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely have a consistent desire to be a better person, husband and father...I just haven't put it down on paper. I definitely want to read my Bible more, and pray more, but those seem so hard to define since I don't want to be legalistic about it...

Anyway, for 2009, I have some concrete measurable resolutions. Some of them are as follows:

Read through the Bible, but this time I'm using the NLT. Want to join me? Go to and sign up. It's free and though trite, it's true...reading God's Word every day will change your life. I've always striven to have a "quiet time" but I'm tired of trying to come up with some fresh approach every day. It's been years since I did this the last time.

Get in shape! This is my year! Jaime & I have sort of set a goal statement for this year: no new children and no moves! ;) We'd love to have another child in a few years, preferably adoption, but for now, we're viewing 2009 as a year for stabilization. (and asking the Lord to stabilize it for us!) And after serving at Preston Road C of C for 13 years, my tenure at the last 2 congregations I've worked with is an average of 30 months. Not ideal.

To help us regain our senses around eating/exercising, Jaime is forming a Biggest Loser Club in the spirit of the TV show. Go to for more info.

I am tempted to make a goal about our finances. I love all of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace stuff...but with two mortgages right now, I'm going to leave it as "improve my stewardship of the abundant resources God has given us." We just can't abide by all of his principles right at the moment. Anyone know anyone moving to Indy? Got a great house on almost an acre!

Got a resolution you want to share?